Friday, November 12, 2010

Halloween Horror - 20 From The Last 20

Edit:  The following post was intended to be read before Halloween, but due to the author's redundant procrastination on deciding which films made this Top 20, it is therefore being posted 2 weeks after the fact.

 AAAAHHH! Another one of those ridiculous "The Top Whatever I Want To Blab About In A Blog That Nobody Really Cares About" lists? 


The horror movie has taken a beating over the last 20 years, and I still don't care what anybody says, certain franchises were absolute messes and wastes of time; but in honor of Halloween, here are (in no particular order) my picks for the 20 best horror movies from the last 20 years.  And yes, I'm sure some of you won't agree, but it's a free country.  If it wasn't, then Michael  Bay wouldn't exist to unleash his hell upon the world. The fact that there is going to be a Transformers 3 reiterates the fact that cinematic horror is crossing over into reality. 

1. The Mist (2007)

 2. Candyman (1992)

3. The House Of The Devil (2009) - (Where Kate Gosselin lives. Somebody keep this woman away from a camera!)

4. The Silence Of The Lambs (1991) - ("Well, Clarice....have people stopped quoting that 'fava beans' line yet?")

5. Misery (1990) - (This could also be the subtitle for any Michael Bay movie or Star Wars prequel.)

6. Scream (1996) - (What I usually do when I am sitting and watching any Michael Bay movie or Star Wars prequel. AAAH! IT HURTS!!!)

7. Seven (1995)  - (It's more of a thriller with horror elements, but whatever, and what was the deal with the marketing for this and spelling it "SE7EN"? Um, ok, so it's "seh-seven-ehn"?? That's more confusing than a Desmond episode of LOST.)

8. The Others (2001) - (Wait, Ben Linus and his posse ain't in this movie? Ripoff!)

9. Dawn Of The Dead (2004)

10. The Devil's Rejects (2005)  

11. Zombieland (2009) - It was either this or Shaun Of The Dead. This was chosen just for the awesome Bill Murray cameo.

12. Let The Right One In (2008)

13. Trick 'r Treat (2008) - No, not that movie with Skippy from Family Ties.

14. Exorcist III: Legion (1990)

15. The Strangers (2008)

16.  28 Days Later (2002) - (Fantastic! A movie about the "New Release" policy at Redbox!)

17. Frailty (2001) - (No, this is not a film about the health condition of John Carpenter.)

18. The Descent (2005) - (Some thought this was a documentary about M. Night Shyamalan's career.)

19. American Psycho (2000) - (Lindsay Lohan was the first choice for the title role.)

20. The Blair Witch Project (1999) -  (What bothers me about the fan reaction to this is lots of people complained about the "bad acting".  The movie was supposed to be shot like a documentary (and marketed as such), and if you were to watch a REAL documentary about say, the hardships of harvesting crops in Oklahoma, do you say, "Wow, that farmer and his family are the worst bunch of actors I've ever seen!" ?)

BONUS: Although it would not be included in the preceding, this merits a mention solely on the fact that we get to see a certain stupid, spoiled heiress get what she so richly deserves.
Plus, I always thought the trailer was kinda cool.)

House Of Wax (2005)

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