Monday, October 31, 2011

31 Days Of Horror: Day #31 - THE SHINING

"Wendy?? I'm home." - Jack Torrance

The Shining, (1980), Directed by Stanley Kubrick
Grade: A+

There is really nothing else to say about this film that hasn't already been said.  So, rather than go through a long, detailed review, all that can be stated aboutThe Shining is that it is the first horror movie this blogger ever saw, and the first movie that ever scared him.  (Ironically, it was the TELEVISION version.)  And it wasn't until several years later when he watched the full version, and has watched it dozens of times since.  There are those that will say it is too long, there are those that will say Jack Nicholson goes over-the-top, there will be those that say Kubrick has lost his ever-lovin' mind, and there will be those that just plain don't like it. (Including Stephen King himself.)

And that's great, but it won't change this blogger's opinion.  The scare factor may have gone down considerably over the years after constant viewings, but the beautiful filmmaking aspect that the movie displays has never changed.  Watch these two trailers and they will tell you all you need to know about the film.

The original theatrical trailer:

A fantastic fan-made trailer:

So thusly, Fed-Up Movie Reviews names The Shining as its favorite horror movie of all time.

And with that, this brings "31 Days Of Horror" to a close.  Thanks to all who read and put up with the constant tangents and ramblings.  I know a month of horror movie reviews can get tedious, but then, so can seven straight years of SAW movies.

Boo! And all that jazz.

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