Saturday, October 1, 2011

31 Days Of Horror: Day #1 - THE MIST

With the start of October, I will be posting quick reviews every day up until Halloween of 31 of my favorite horror movies.  

Horror Movie #1: 
The Mist, 2007, Directed by Frank Darabont
Grade: A - 

What's this?  The 1,945,781st adaptation of a Stephen King story?  Yes, but this one is different.  It's in the tradition of the great old B-movie horror pictures of the 1950's and 1960's.  Special effects are sparse, as the budget was low and the crew was the same crew used in one of my favorite TV shows "The Shield".  While not a hit at the box office, it created quite a stir with its mix of terror, religion, trust, and the horrors of humanity.  I loved this movie while others didn't, but nevertheless, it's a great horror movie to kick off the month with.  Oh yes, and by the way...the ending will stay with you, whether you liked it or hated it.

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